Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 28... Third Trimester

I don't know why my picture is so blurry but there it is, my supposedly HD camera. Anyway, I finally made it to the third trimester! I am really hoping time starts to go by faster because I can't wait! On my calendar I have each week written down what number week I am. It's nice to start seeing some higher numbers!

I am really working on moving more and eating as good as I can because I would love to stop packing on the weight each month :) What a lovely side effect of pregnancy. My other new fun things include not being able to sleep at night, hot flashes, leg cramps, and heart burn. I realize it could be worse but ew!

The best things are... actually looking pregnant instead of just fat, feeling the baby really move and getting better kicks, and going to get pedicures since I can no longer comfortably reach my toes.

I know I am totally weird but lately when I am just laying there feeling the baby doing weird turns or whatever, I start feeling really sorry for the baby and having no room and being squished. I get that it is natural and it's not a problem but I can't help really feeling bad!

I also have really vivid dreams. They used to be about always leaving my baby somewhere or forgetting to feed it and that sort of neglectful thing. But in my dreams I didn't really care and this "baby" and I had no attachment and in fact I resented it for being such a nuisance. They were bad. Not the lovely dreams I had thought an expecting mother should have. BUT, just in the past couple weeks that has totally changed into dreams of having my baby that I actually love and I have real concern for it when I neglect it.... like when I left it at the grocery store, laying on a pile of apples. Boy, I'm gonna be a great mom! Hopefully, the dreams will just get better.

Anyway, I am getting Patton's room really put together. I don't want to post any pictures until it is totally done. So, I am trying to get that done. Trouble is that we stated to paint the crib but it looks like we will have to sand it down to keep it from chipping. So, we have to start all over again on that one. It might be a little while!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

almost 25 weeks

Everyone keeps saying that time will fly, well looking back... it hasn't. I can't believe I'm only a little more than half way there! Right now the focus is staying healthy despite my urge to eat everything in sight, all day long! I have started getting serious about putting together Patton's room. Once Parker's computer stuff is out of there I will take and post pictures :).

This Saturday is my cousin Rachel's( who is in the picture with me) baby shower and she is due February first which is really exciting! I can't wait to have my own though! It makes it harder when all my friends and now cousins are having their babies, it makes me more impatient if that's possible. I am just grateful to be having one at all.

Patton is kicking a lot more these days which is really fun. He's kind of a stinker because anytime someone wants to feel it he stops. Maybe he's just modest and doesn't like the attention. Must not be related to either Parker or me.

I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable. I don't sleep well at night and I have a hard time sitting in our couch that kind of sinks in. I have to keep scooching to the edge and sit up straight so I can breathe. But all in all it not bad. I don't mind being pregnant... yet. I hope it stays pretty even like this because I am planning on having a lot more!